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My Big Brother

My Big Brother

Who was this man?

My big brother, Mark Atchley.  Such a simple, unassuming, seemingly average, but great man of God.

Luke 22:24 Now there was also a dispute among them, as to which of them should be considered the greatest. 25 And He said to them, “The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called ‘benefactors.’ 26 But not so among you; on the contrary, he who is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he who governs as he who serves.

My brother embodied this truth beautifully. He was at his happiest when serving others. He was teachable, respectful, and humble. Although I was the younger of the two of us, he treated me as the older one with great respect.

I was his pastor, his mentor in spiritual things, and he made sure everyone knew that. He was proud of it.  He loved grabbing a fruit smoothie together and just talking for a while.  He always wanted to know more about the things of God when we talked.   He was a sponge for the New Covenant Gospel.

He desired that all those he knew would know Jesus.  He quietly and humbly filled so many places of need within Harvest Church Knoxville without ever speaking about it or making others aware of how much he was doing.  He was happy to do it.

If he learned I was doing something at the facilities, he would just show up ready to get his hands dirty, cut up while working together, and just take in the moment like it was the greatest time of his life.

He became a staple at my family's gatherings, even among in-laws. He was a pleasant, happy, eager-to-love, and eager-to-be-loved soul. He wasn't argumentative, and he did not overtake moments. He simply enjoyed being part of them.

I tip my hat to this man who embodied what it means to serve through love those Christ has joined you to.  To serve with no need of recognition.  To serve simply because you love what is yours.  He called Harvest Church his family, and he embodied that reality.

According to Jesus, humility is the sign of greatness. He was so humble that he failed to realize that, in many ways, he was the older brother, although, in spiritual matters, he would say I was his mentor. However, he also taught me without words but with attitude and actions.

I wish more people had the chance to know this great man. He earned my respect because of who he truly was.  Although I thanked him often for the ways he served and even tried to convince him to cut back on it, I feel I came up short in comparison with my giving of thanks.  I will miss this man who stole the hearts of so many through his love and service.  His life, as simple as it was and as physically challenged at times as it was, made a real difference to so many.

In the kingdom of God, some come alongside, and then some move right into your heart.  Mark moved into my heart.  He took up a large space there.  I am thrilled to know he is now with our Lord and seeing things I, too, will one day see.

I write this to honor my big brother, Mark Atchley, who may have seemed simple, if not average, to many but was truly one of the greatest in the kingdom of God.

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