God Is Worthy

In the Old Covenant, those aware of God’s greatness and goodness were inclined to praise Him. The Hebrew word for praise is Yadah. It means to confess, give praise, give thanks, and glorify.

In our English language, giving praise means to give credit where credit is due.  But how can a person give praise if they are unaware of where the credit is due?  It could prove challenging to be a person of praise while believing in Murphy’s Law.  Murphy’s Law comes easy when all a person can see is their circumstances. To see beyond the current state of things, you need a reliable source that overpowers what you can see with your natural eyes.

I asked a friend once how he was doing, and he said, “Under the circumstances....” To which I replied, “What are you doing under there?”

To constantly give praise no matter how things appear naturally, you must be able to believe in promises made by someone you are convinced is reliable and trustworthy.

When I asked my wife Sheila to marry me many years ago, when she answered yes, I was excited and told all my family, friends, and coworkers I was getting married. Between the time she said yes and when we stood at our wedding ceremony together, many circumstances tried to threaten our ability to proceed.  Mind you, all I had to go on was her promise to follow through. But I had come to know her well enough to know that she would keep her word.

My confession (Thanksgiving, Praise, Acknowledgment) resulted from my confidence in Sheila’s character, which made her word reliable and trustworthy to me.  In other words, I believed her!

God is way more reliable and trustworthy than any man or woman alive. God has spoken great promises to us in His word and even guaranteed those promises to us through His Son Jesus. All the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ Jesus.

The greatest of these promises is God’s guarantee to love us as His dear children and never leave or forsake us. God has promised to be a Father to us, lead us, and guide us. God has given us the Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Guide. God has promised that He is for us, not against us. This is praiseworthy truth. But our ability to constantly give praise to God is rooted in our belief in His word given to us. It is rooted in what we have come to believe about His character.

New Covenant believers are much better equipped to praise God no matter what the situations and circumstances may appear to be at the moment. Our joy and peace are not related to what is happening to us right now; they are held fast by what we know of God and what He has promised us.

The more we get to know God as our Father, Savior, and Lord, the more confident we become in our praise of Him. He is forever worthy! He does not change! He is perfect in all of His ways! His word will never fail!

I encourage you to allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of the Father and Jesus’ perfect character so you might be empowered to praise regardless of your current situation or circumstance.

When you become convinced God is worthy based on His perfect character, you are empowered to praise Him at all times.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.




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